Tuesday, 28 February 2017


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE BEST WAY TO STUDYYY !!!!!!!!!!!
When you're learning new material, it can be overwhelming when you think about how much time you need to truly understand it all. This studying technique can help you stay focused and take on more information with shorter study sessions.
The lecture "Study Less, Study Smart"—featured in the video above—is from psychology professor Dr. Marty Lobdell from Pierce College. In it, Lobdell shares his best tips for studying so you don't ever have to attempt those dreaded cram sessions. The video itself is fairly old, and a few of you have probably seen it before, but it's something every student should watch. The lecture is about an hour in length—and definitely worth watching in its entirety—but here are some of the best tips:
  • Study in chunked sessions: Your ability to retain information diminishes after about 25-30 minutes, so break it up into multiple, smaller sessions. Reward yourself with fun activities during your breaks
  • Have a dedicated study area: Don't study where you do anything else. Don't study in your bed, where you play games (even if it's your computer), or in front of the TV.
  • Know the difference between recognition and recollection:Recognition requires a trigger for you to remember something and you may not get that on a test. Study actively with focus on recollection. Quiz yourself and don't just glance over highlighted notes.
  • Take good notes: Find a note-taking method that works for you and expand on them after your class lecture to increase retention and understanding.
  • Be ready to teach what you've learned: If you can teach it to someone else, you have a solid grasp on the material.
  • Read textbooks effectively: Use the SQ3R Method—survey, question, read, recite, review—to actively retain information. Just reading it is not enough.
Lastly, divide everything you learn into two categories: facts and concepts. Facts are things that can fall out of your brain and you may need to come up with a mnemonic device in order to study them. Concepts are the glue that hold entire big picture together, making them the most important part to study. Concepts are why you're studying something to begin with and, once you learn them, they stick with you. Stop wasting hours studying at only a third of the pace you could be going and study smart


DO YOU HAVE THINKKING ABOUT THIS .............................................
-do u have any boyfreind ??? maybe someone can say YES and maybe someone an say NO..So i woould like to ask u something ...Do u ever ask yourself WHY u go and meet him? FUNCTION u meet him ???? thers's no reason right .. So let's start a new life with going date with a book or a lot of book at library or anywhere ...let's use our time with a good things .because theres a benefit in our future dearest reader

besides,,,we need to use our time wisely because time is GOLD. like a scholar said ,,we cann buy anything in this world BUT we cannot buy time that we use with useless thing ...so ..plizzz ,, manage our time wisely !!! in this cases we need to appreciate our time and look for the future ...


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

step to excell


                        Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” —Albert Einstein

Success can vary according to the individual.  It can be measured in relationships, love, money, career, purpose, spirit, attitude and the list goeS Let’s take a look at what sets some people apart from the rest:

  1. Talk Positive — Successful people always communicate confidently to others and themselves.  You can’t thrive on a negative dialogue.  Aim to encourage, motivate and inspire all you meet including yourself.
  2. Move On — Never dwell on your mistakes.  Failure should always be used as feedback.  Being stuck in the past only ensures that you will not be able to effectively work in the present.  Take your blunders and learn from them — there are always hidden gems to be found in boo-boos.
  3. Look out for No.1 — Efficacious people know that they need to take care of themselves first and foremost.  This is not a selfish act; it is an action of necessity.  Besides, no-one appreciates a self-declared martyr — there’s no brownie points in it for you, believe me.  Acting the martyr will lead you to harbor resentment and will alienate people around you, especially those of you who do everything with a mumble under your breath.  When you take care of your own needs first, you will have the ability to help others with a gratified smile on your face.
  4. Set Boundaries — Don’t be a pushover.  Know your limits and draw the line in the sand for others when you need to preserve your energy and time.  Learn how to distinguish what you need to address and what you need to let alone.
  5. Philanthropy — The Buddha mentioned that one should tithe a percentage (Judaism stipulates 10%) of their earnings to benefit their community.  This is a no-brainer.  You want to see your society thrive because you are a part of it — it’s a symbiotic relationship.  You wouldn’t take a dump on your own doorstep now would you?
  6. Remain Grounded — Remember your roots and always practice humility in the face of any position.  Be a lone, content stallion rather than a prancing pony — ponies get ridden at fairgrounds.  Strut and you’re likely to stumble, be humble and you’ll always be firmly footed.
  7. Be Open to New Ideas — Bend like a reed in the wind.  When you give in to complacency, you stop listening to others and their thoughts — big mistake.  You don’t know everything, no matter how old and experienced you are.  The universe is ever-expanding so what gives you the right to stand still?  Nothing ages you like rigid conceit — your passport to entropy.
  8. Own It  Prosperous people own their lives, where they are, how they got there and what they stand for.  Embody your experience and live your truth.  Be an original and not a copy.  There’s nothing worse than a cheap fake.  Everyone has something unique to offer the world — your job is to uncover your diamond.
  9. Admit to Mistakes — Successful people aren’t afraid to acknowledge they’re wrong.  True courage lies in integrity — your ability to recognize the truth and concede when appropriate.  To err is human.
  10. Think Creatively — Fruitful endeavors are usually sparked by thinking out-of-the-box, stretching beyond what is the norm and testing the limits.  If  you want to play it safe you’re going to be average.  Pushing boundaries is where resilience leads to triumph.  Inject colour, passion, vitality and true-grit into everything you do and you will succeed.
  11. Exercise Criticism Immunity — Success lies in your ability to detect constructive from destructive critique.  When you can master the skill of not taking things personally, you will be able to clearly see what opinions you can take aboard your ship to steer you in the right direction and which thoughts need to be left on the dock lest they sink your ship.  Discernment is one of your handiest tools for gauging the worth of alternate views.
  12. Enjoy Life — Finding joy and fulfillment in everyday activities is another sign of a successful person.  Can you take any situation and turn it into a gift?  Can you find the beauty in the chaos?  The delight in the mundane?  If your life is a bore, you need to take a long hard look at who’s making it boring — let me give you a clue:  Go stand in front of the mirror.  Boring is as boring does.  Use your time on this planet wisely, there is a hidden microcosm of treasure in any situation — you just need to view things from a different perspective.  A recent study just reported that adventure and travel (another activity you see successful people adhering to) seems to lead to longevity.  If there is just one thing you must take from this list let it be to enjoy your life.
Besides, ambition is one of the most important thing that we should know what to be . how to be , how to achieve n s on .Thus , we need to be more alert anf knoe about the goals and set it in our mind. so comwe on wake up and try to achieve it by hook or by crook ...